Pilates Class 3 – Jump! Jump!

Caitlyn’s third installment on her Pilates journey.

I thought I had seen it all but today my Pilates class surprised me. There was a spring board attached to the reformer and I laid down on my side with my head on a ball (I thought I was going to take a nap and I got super excited). And then Liza said….JUMP. Jump??? How???

I pushed off from the spring board and went flying toward the tower a little faster than I probably should have. I touched down on the board and pushed off again, with a bit more control this time.

You’d think there wouldn’t be a lot of ways to jump on a spring board but boy would you be wrong! I did it on one foot with legs parallel, one foot with hip turned out, both feet at the same time, and one foot at a time (in a skipping motion). Then when I rolled onto my back I jumped with both feet and threw the ball up in the air! I’m not especially coordinated so I kept my throws small so I wouldn’t lose the ball. I say with confidence that I definitely got the hang of it (that may or may not be true).

Stay tuned for more surprises to come!
